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Rooting for more cultural exchange between Brazilian and American culture, I started translating plays from English to Portuguese as well as Portuguese to English. I would love to see more contemporary Brazilian work being produced in America, and of course more American plays being produced in Brazil.

I also translate all kinds of literature and technical documents. If you have a website, article, play/movie script, academic thesis, or any kind of text you want to translate or revise it, please, ask for your quote now! Excellence with the most competitive price in the market!

The Way of Water (O Caminho das Aguas), by Caridad Svich 

Translated to Portuguese by Thais Flaitt Giannoccaro


The Way of Water is a play that pits the aftermath of the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico next to the lives of those affected by it. It's a story about four people making do as best they can, living their lives, and trying to stay afloat in the land of many compromised dreams, as the devastation of a health and environmental crisis scandal in the US Gulf is played out on a human scale. It’s a play about poverty in America, rumors and truth, what is said and what gets written, and the quest for an honorable life.


O Caminho das Aguas was read in the city of  Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paolo, Brazil, part of The Way of Water: 2012 Reading Scheme.



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